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ML in Java, YES it's possible!

  • Rebel Universitetsgata 2 0164 Oslo (kart)

The recent surge in AI interest has made it crucial for developers to grasp the essentials of creating and managing machine learning (ML) applications. In this javaBin meetup at Rebel, an emphasis will be placed on enlightening Java developers about their options for developing, storing, and executing ML models.

In addition, the session will feature in-depth discussions and comparisons of the three leading machine learning frameworks: Deeplearning4J, DJL, and Tribuo. By examining a real-world example, we aim to provide a clear understanding of the strengths and limitations inherent in each of these frameworks. Furthermore, we will dedicate time to explore JSR381, an open-source API tailored for Java, focusing primarily on its applications in machine learning and visual recognition tasks.

The session will be led by Mohammed Aboullaite, a seasoned backend engineer at Spotify. Mohammed is recognized as a community catalyst and a firm believer of open-source initiatives.

Pizza and drinks will be served. Gluten-free and vegetarian alternatives will be available.

29. februar

Move fast, build things… safely! With Mohammed Aboullaite from Spotify

1. mars

Modern Angular Workshop